A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues. -Theodore Roosevelt

An attractive vessel through which the river of truth can flow. -Stephen Colbert

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Metric System

The metric system is one of the greatest ideas ever that failed miserably in execution. The idea is great, a base ten system makes conversions simpler, better than English standard's hopeless gibberish of 12's and 3's and 36's and 5280's. However, this beautiful idea was destroyed and made not awesome. The metric system has to have the worst units of measuring length ever conceived. In basic usage it jumps from centimeters (which are too small to be useful) to meters (which are too big to be useful) to kilometers (which, again, are too small to be useful). Credit the English, the foot is the perfect distance. So many things can be expressed as a foot that just don't work as well as 31 cm or .31 meters. No. Its a foot. Nothing in nature is naturally a meter. Oh, that racoon is .6 meters! Nope, that's two feet.

Come on, metric system, you dropped the ball. I blame the French. Its usually their fault anyway.

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